Guinea Pig Sanctuary
129 Bridge Road
Salisbury MA 01952

Piggie Sitting ~ Boarding
Thank you for considering Guinea Pig Sanctuary to board your piggy 😊
*** Fill Out the Boarding Form Below ***
FYI 😊 Right now we are running more like a Motel 3 1/2 just due to the craziness 😊
Piggies are treated as if they were on vacation! Room service includes veggies for breakfast, hay for lunch, pellets for dinner, and a light veggie or fruit for snack at night. Of course, there is always an abundance of hay and water available in each piggie’s habitat.
Activities are fun and we have plenty to keep your piggy busy! Friendly piggies get the chance to watch awesome movies (like G-Force) while munching on a salad. Usually, 3-5 piggies get to watch a movie together on one of the tablets. Playtime is always a fun experience and gives your piggy a chance to meet other piggies. If your piggy already has a cage mate, they will do their playtime together. Playtime is always supervised and can be done solo if your piggy isn’t into the piggy crowd scene.
All piggy cages are kept next to others so that they can socialize. Cages are moved around during cleaning so that each piggy gets the chance to talk to other piggies here. If you have bonded males, they will be kept segregated from other bonded males so that there is less of a chance of un-bonding. Please know that sometimes piggies can un-bond for any reason.
The fee for boarding is $70 per week for the first four piggies. Each additional piggy is $10 per week. We accept cash, credit, debit, PayPal and Venmo. Boarding fees are due at drop off. 😊
You only need to bring the piggies and none of their personal items. This is to ensure we don’t lose anything or accidentally give it to another piggy when the volunteers come in 😉
Please send an email with the date you want to drop off.
We board piggies 365 days a year, so we always have space available.
IF YOU ARE LATE PICKING UP YOUR PIGGIES, there will be an additional $20 a day charge. Too many people are taking advantage of our boarding, and it overlaps the cage space.
It will no longer be cheap to do this because it seriously hinders our ability to provide the best service to all our other vacationers.
Please be mindful of your pickup date. We’re not unreasonable but extending your boarding for weeks and months is unacceptable.
We will no longer board any piggies that have unvetted issues such as bite wounds, respiratory, open sores, severe bumble foot, or anything else that requires a vet’s attention
For Nurse Jackie’s boarding, there will be an additional $25 charge
for each medical piggy, on top of the regular boarding fees.
If you have the vet records, labeled medications, and no more than twice a day meds, then Nurse Jackie must approve it If you are planning to board piggies on meds, you MUST email Jackie@guineapigsanctuary.org
BEFORE we can set up boarding
Please know there may be additional charges depending on what is required for your piggies.
If you plan on boarding and your piggy is sick at the drop off, we will NOT be able to guarantee the spot. Please vet your piggies if anything is wrong FIRST.
We are ALWAYS closed on Wednesdays so that would be the only day unavailable for drop off or pick up.
If you are interested in a full SPAW for your piggies, contact HighTops at aspaw@guineapigsanctuary.org 😊
Thank you again for considering Guinea Pig Sanctuary for your piggy boarding needs.
129 Bridge Road ~ Salisbury, MA 01952
Sunday 11-5
Monday 12-5
Tuesday 12-5
Wednesday – CLOSED
Thursday 12-5
Friday 11-6
Saturday 11-5
Once you hit SUBMIT, you are on the calendar and ALL SET!
There is NO confirmation!